
Hunter Biden Scoffs at Subpoenas, GOP Readies Contempt Cannon!

The infamous Hunter Biden pulled another stunt on Capitol Hill, making it crystal clear that he has no intention of cooperating with congressional subpoenas. The president’s son, who seems to have a knack for dodging accountability, sauntered around Capitol Hill like he owned the place, refusing to answer any pesky questions from reporters.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan were quick to react to Hunter’s latest antics, slamming his flagrant disregard for the rule of law. Comer emphasized the gravity of the investigation, highlighting the public corruption at the highest levels of the government, and the pressing need for Congress to get to the bottom of the Biden family’s shady dealings.

Jordan also took a swing at Hunter’s press conference, pointing out the evolving story he’s been spinning about his father’s alleged involvement in his business affairs. First, it was “no involvement,” then it was “no contact with anyone,” and now it’s “not financially involved.” It’s like a game of musical chairs, but with lies and deceit.

Despite Hunter’s stubborn refusal to play ball, the Republican bulldogs in the House made it clear they’re not backing down. They’re gearing up for an impeachment inquiry with the hopes of leveraging the full weight of the House to compel witnesses to spill the beans. And if Hunter still thinks he can keep playing hard to get, they’ve got contempt proceedings locked and loaded, ready to be fired off without a second thought.

In a joint statement, Comer and Jordan left no room for doubt – there’s no special treatment for the Bidens. They’re not afraid to slap Hunter with contempt of Congress proceedings if he continues to thumb his nose at the law. The stage is set for a showdown, and the Republican chairmen have made it clear that they’re hell-bent on holding the Biden family accountable for their shenanigans. It’s shaping up to be one heck of a showdown, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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