In a mixed martial arts match in Russia, a fighter from Iran kicked a ring girl because he felt offended by her outfit, causing a stir and resulting in his career-ending defeat. The Iranian fighter, Ali Heibati, received a lifetime ban from the Hardcore Fighting Championship (HFC) after the incident, and he also faced public backlash.
The assault took place as the ring girl, Maria, walked around the ring holding a sign to indicate the start of the match. Heibati used his foot to kick in her direction, which led to her confronting him. The Iranian fighter later claimed that he acted out of tense emotions and apologized to Maria on social media, but the apology did not save his career.
Un luchador iraní de MMA, llamado Ali Heibati le dio una patada a una chica del ring, porque “se sintió ofendido por su vestimenta”, pero el público ruso le dio una paloterapia al bajarse del ring por agredir a la dama. ¿Apoyas el accionar del público contra el cobarde agresor?
— Eduardo Menoni (@eduardomenoni) April 22, 2024
The HFC organization condemned the incident and labeled Heibati’s apology as “absolutely not enough.” They fined him the amount of his fee, which will go to Maria, and those involved in backstage fights also received disqualifications and suspensions.
The ban and punishment for Heibati were seen by many as fair and just, with the HFC emphasizing the importance of respecting women and ethical standards. The incident highlighted the need to uphold moral values and behavioral norms in society.
Overall, while the incident exposed the ring girl to objectification, the response from the HFC and the public demonstrated the recognition of her dignity and the obligation to defend it. It serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting others and upholding moral values, despite the circumstances.