Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has been pushing back against the teachers unions in the state, who are attempting to limit his political career. He has proposed limits on leader pay and dues collection, and has been accused of enacting a “fascist book ban” by some officials in Florida districts. The law in question barred lewd, sexual, age-inappropriate material, and made it a felony to provide pornography to minors.
It’s time to set the record straight and tell the truth about our school libraries in Manatee County. My statement:
— ChadChoateSchoolBoard (@CCSDMCBoard) February 1, 2023
DeSantis has criticized the ideological leftists in Florida schools who he believes are engaged in obvious, ridiculous, and dishonest PR tactics in response to the accusations made against him. He has accused the teachers’ unions of instructing their members to remove harmless books from school libraries in an attempt to falsely label him and his supporters as racist and authoritarian fanatics. Additionally, the governor has highlighted that the books removed from Florida schools since the start of the academic year in September 2022 were mostly pornographic, violent, or unsuitable for the students’ grade levels.
Found in a Florida school:
“It’s Perfectly Normal.”
The cover says that this book is appropriate for 10-year-old children.
— Jeremy Redfern (@JeremyRedfernFL) February 14, 2023
Over the last 24 hours, we provided examples of books found in Florida schools with drawings of kids engaged in sex acts.
That’s inappropriate and wrong.
“You’re gonna compare that to a biography of Roberto Clemente? Give me a break.”
– @GovRonDeSantis— Jeremy Redfern (@JeremyRedfernFL) February 15, 2023
Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill (HB 1557) prevents educators from discussing sexuality with K-3 students. @HHS_ASH is critical that the bill prevents students from finding “one supportive adult” that is “not always the parent, frequently it’s a teacher..”
— Meg Brock (@MegEBrock) February 15, 2023
Here’s part of my exchange with Gov. DeSantis on the parental rights/LGBT bill he signed yesterday. A respectful and substantive back-and-forth. Full interview, including all of the Q&A on this subject, is here:
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) March 30, 2022
DeSantis has emphasized that the expulsion of books from schools is a component of a more comprehensive attempt to obstruct his endeavors to prevent children from being able to view sexually explicit content and other unsuitable material. He contends that educators are taking these actions independently in an attempt to create an argument and that the problem can be resolved in a matter of minutes.
Not a single student can do math at grade level in 53 #Illinois schools. For reading, it’s 30 schools. Not 1 single student. Education data from @ISBEnews
It's yet another indictment of the state’s educational system. Via @Wirepoints #twill #SchoolChoice…
— Wirepoints (@Wirepoints) February 14, 2023
Loudoun County School Board votes 6-3 to NOT release the “independent review” into the sexual assaults in 2021.
Yes votes: Polifko, Beatty, Corbo.
No votes: Reaser, Sheridan, Morse, Ogedegbe, Mahedavi, Serotkin. /1— Ian Prior (@iandprior) February 15, 2023
The governor has also highlighted the fact that schools have received substantial amounts of money in recent years from COVID-related funding. He asserts that school choice does not deprive public schools of resources, but rather offers underprivileged families and children an opportunity to break free from poorly performing public schools. In his view, these schools are like prisons.
DeSantis has been pushing back against the teachers unions in Florida for some time now. He believes that they exist for the purpose of electing Democrats and self-enrichment, and nothing else. He is calling out what he sees as intentional dishonesty and PR gamesmanship from ideological leftists in Florida schools. The governor is also advocating for school choice, which he believes will give poor families and kids a chance to escape failing public schools.
The preceding article is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Townhall