
McCarthy’s Shady Ukraine Aid Deal with Dems Exposed By Gaetz!

In an unexpected turn of events, the House GOP passed four spending bills before the deadline, which kept the government from shutting down. In the DC swamp, it's almost like a wonder! This comes after a very tight race against the clock. Just a few days ago, the House started working on this huge spending bill. The bill had to be passed by September 30 at 11:59 p.m., which was a very short time.

First, on Friday, Representative McCarthy put forward a continuing resolution, but it didn't look like it would pass. To everyone's surprise, though, the bill got more than 330 votes and passed on Saturday. Next, the lower house took a break until Monday. During that time, Democratic senators promised that they would not vote against the House bill. Senator Bennet from Colorado had other ideas, though. He put the measure on hold because he didn't like how little money was going to Ukraine. This made the final vote take longer than planned. In the end, he gave in when a deal was made on a separate aid plan for Ukraine.

For now, there is no government shutdown, but when the right wing of the House comes back together after the weekend, things might not be so great. Gaetz, a Republican from Florida, is making some very serious claims. He says that McCarthy made a deal with the Democrats to get the bill passed. Not too surprising, since the House also voted on a different bill to help Ukraine after the continuing resolution was passed.

Thankfully, there won't be a government shutdown, but it looks like there may be some rough weather in the Republican party. Watch this space to see what comes next.

Written by Staff Reports

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