
Poll Shows American Catholics Prefer Trump Over Biden

A recent poll shows that more American Catholics are favoring former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden. The poll, conducted by Pew Research and reported by a popular news network, reveals that a shift is happening among various groups in the United States.

It seems that Biden is losing support from different demographics, and this could be a sign of trouble for his administration. Many Americans are starting to lean towards Trump, according to the survey.

The Pew Research poll, released on April 30, breaks down the support for Trump and Biden based on religious affiliation. The data shows that 55% of Catholics would back Trump in a head-to-head competition, while only 43% would support Biden. This 12% margin in favor of Trump is a substantial change from the 2020 election, where Trump had a slight edge over Biden.

Interestingly, Hispanic Catholics appear to be driving this shift in support. Although Biden still leads with this group, his margin has decreased significantly compared to the previous election. Biden’s Catholic faith has come under scrutiny by some leaders, who accuse him of cherry-picking aspects of the religion to suit his agenda.

Many Catholic officials, including Archbishop Wilton Gregory, have criticized Biden for his stance on issues such as abortion, which is in direct conflict with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Some have gone as far as calling Biden a “cafeteria Catholic” for choosing which beliefs to follow and which to ignore.

This shift in support among American Catholics reflects a broader trend of dissatisfaction with Biden’s policies. The President’s disconnect from the teachings of his faith could be contributing to this decline in support among religious voters.

Written by Staff Reports

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