On Tuesday, an NBC News host and his guest criticized Mike Pence for not supporting the indictment former President Donald Trump. He went so far as to call him a “p—-” on live TV.
John Heilemann called out the vice president for being boring and said that he had the personality of a “squarest person” he knew growing up. Host Kurt Andersen responded by making the situation personal.
On NewsBusters, he called out Pence as someone who would only look like Trump if he ran for president in 2024. He also referred to him as a “p—-” and a “wimp.”
He called out Pence as robotic. He also said that if AI ever gets sentient, it would split the difference.
According to him, AI would only be more boring if it were given the vocabulary and intelligence of a sheltered, conservative, high school student with a square personality. This describes Pence.
When he sees Pence, he thinks that Trump has thrown him to the lions. He stated that if his family and the people around him were killed on that day, Pence would have been fine with it.