
Biden Crime Family Treason? Shocking China Connection Exposed!

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) has raised serious concerns about the alleged criminal conduct of the Biden Crime Family. In a recent interview on Newsmax TV, Comer boldly stated that their actions border on treason and questioned the integrity of President Joe Biden himself.

Comer pointed out that one of President Biden’s first acts in office was to immediately end the China Initiative, a program designed to combat China’s theft of research from US universities. This move raised eyebrows, as it had been initiated by the FBI under the Obama administration at the request of university presidents across the country. These presidents were worried about Chinese students who, while legally studying in the US and paying full tuition, were reportedly stealing intellectual property and research to send back to China.

Comer expressed his deep concern, stating that canceling the China Initiative only benefits the Chinese Communist Party, as it allows them to avoid investing in their own research and development. He further suggested that the Bidens had some involvement with China, alleging that they accepted money from the Chinese Communist Party to help them invest in the US, specifically in the energy industry and manufacturing. Comer insinuated that this was part of a larger effort by the Bidens to facilitate China’s takeover of the United States through various investment deals.

The congressman alluded to a forthcoming deposition by Tony Bobulinsky, a former associate of the Bidens, who is expected to shed light on their dealings with China. Comer believes this will be alarming and pose a significant national security risk.

Comer also voiced concerns about the Biden family’s alleged acceptance of payments totaling over $40 million from questionable foreign nationals for influence peddling. He revealed that his committee had obtained banking statements and suspicious activity reports that indicate the involvement of multiple bank accounts, shell companies, and Bidens in this alleged scheme.

Additionally, an IRS whistleblower, Gary Shapely, claimed that Hunter Biden had evaded a $1.2 million tax bill in 2017 and 2018 alone. Shapely also suggested that there may be hundreds of thousands of dollars in unreported income from Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that Hunter Biden had previously been involved with.

Comer’s strong statements and the mounting evidence presented by him and others raise serious concerns about the Biden family’s alleged misconduct and potential compromise of President Biden. The American people deserve answers and a full investigation into these allegations to ensure the security and integrity of our nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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