
Biden Fumbles Speech, Questions Rise on Presidential Decorum

Biden seemed to struggle during his speech at the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies’ Awards Gala. He stumbled over his words and even made a strange comment about a woman’s dress in the audience. This behavior is not new for Biden, as he often finds himself making awkward comments and gestures around women. 


It’s concerning that Biden continues to make these inappropriate remarks, especially as the leader of our country. His actions at the gala highlight a pattern of behavior that is unbecoming of a president. Conservatives believe in respecting all individuals, and Biden’s behavior does not align with those values.

Additionally, Biden attempted to paint Republicans as the party of “Big Pharma” during his speech. This claim is ironic, considering Biden himself has taken actions that benefit pharmaceutical companies. It’s important for politicians to be truthful in their statements and not spread false narratives for political gain.

Furthermore, Biden’s consistent attacks on former President Donald Trump show a lack of focus on the current issues facing our nation. By continuing to bring up Trump in his speeches, Biden is diverting attention from his own administration’s shortcomings. Conservatives believe it’s time for Biden to take responsibility for his actions and focus on leading our country effectively.

Overall, Biden’s behavior at the gala raises concerns about his ability to fulfill the duties of the presidency. It’s essential for our leaders to act with dignity and respect, qualities that were lacking in Biden’s speech. Conservatives hope to see a change in Biden’s conduct moving forward to better represent the values of the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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