
Dems Waste Millions on Abortionist Training: Radical Agenda Exposed!

In an attempt to waste public funds on training healthcare workers so they can become abortionists, Senate Democrats introduced a bill on Monday. The bill's sponsors, Patty Murray of Washington and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, are asking for $25 million in grants to help healthcare workers become informed about abortion.

According to a press release from Murray's office, the bill aims to help meet the increasing need for women's health care by providing more resources to those in states with strict abortion restrictions. This is an attempt to increase access to abortion without providing adequate safeguards.

According to Baldwin, the funding they seek would help healthcare workers and medical students who are forced to go to other states for training as abortionists due to the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision. However, she fails to mention that there are laws in place in many states that protect unborn children.

The bill would establish a grant program for organizations that provide healthcare services and education. These include public health centers, academic health centers, and health professions schools. The program's funds would be used to expand the training of students and develop programs that teach about abortion.

The legislation would provide grants to groups in pro-abortion states that are able to provide training programs that are focused on teaching women about abortion. These groups would also be able to form partnerships with other health organizations to improve access to abortion care.

The bill highlights the dangerous policies that the Democrats are pushing, and it shows that they are still committed to attacking the unborn child. The Republican Party is committed to protecting the unborn child, and it will not allow healthcare workers to be forced to perform abortions. The Daily Fetched is committed to highlighting the actions of elected officials who are involved in illegal activities.

Source: Daily Fetched

Written by Staff Reports

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