
Shocker: 30% Dems Back Trump Pardon – Is Justice Dept Biased?

In a shocking turn of events, a survey conducted by Harvard-Harris has revealed that 30% of Democrats would support pardoning former President Donald Trump if he is convicted by the Justice Department. This is a surprising figure, considering the former president was regarded as the Democrats’ boogeyman for several years. While it’s no surprise that 80% of Republicans support pardoning Trump, the support from Democrats is quite puzzling.

This support for pardoning Trump might suggest that some Democrats are suspicious of the political motivations behind the Justice Department’s indictment of the former president. This could mean that some Democrats are willing to put their personal feelings aside and assess the charges being pressed against Trump without bias. Additionally, it’s possible that some Democrats don’t believe Trump’s alleged offenses are serious enough to warrant jail time or other severe punishment.

These findings are not surprising given the fact that Trump’s indictment, along with others, have been politically motivated. It’s clear to see that these legal actions are an attempt to influence the outcome of the upcoming presidential election. This isn’t just speculation; a separate poll showed that 64% of Republicans are still supporting Trump if he chooses to participate in the 2024 presidential race. This reiterates the fact that the charges against Trump are politically motivated.

These results have raised questions about the motivations behind such sentiments and the deep polarization and partisan divisions within American society. Individuals seem to prioritize the punishment of their political opponents over concerns about potential abuse of power. Democrats supporting pardoning Trump is a rare example of breaking this pattern. It’s important to note that Trump’s legal troubles are more about politics than about justice.

In conclusion, given these findings, it’ll be interesting to see how the presidential campaigns of Joe Biden and potentially Trump progress, considering he becomes the Republican nominee. Biden’s campaign will depend on who his opponent is, and if Trump were to run, the 30% of Democrats who support pardoning him will certainly be something to keep an eye on.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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