
DOJ Targets Trump Again: Bobb Defends 100% Authorized Docs in Bold Takedown

Christina Bobb, a strong advocate for the Trump campaign, has rejected the allegations brought against President Donald Trump by the Department of Justice (DOJ), asserting that the former president had full authorization to possess the documents he retained during his term. The DOJ is currently investigating potential violations of the Presidential Records Act, which arose due to the President's retention of certain documents.

During a press briefing on Monday, Bobb pointed out the contrasting treatment of Donald Trump and Joe Biden by the DOJ in handling their respective cases. She criticized the searches conducted at Mar-a-Lago and highlighted the notable disparity in how President Biden and Donald Trump have been treated regarding the outcomes of their cases.

Bobb expressed her strong disapproval of the DOJ, stating, "In August, I was compelled to wait outside on the circle drive at Mar-a-Lago in sweltering 80 to 90-degree heat for approximately eight to ten hours while the FBI conducted searches in all the rooms." She further claimed that the DOJ had to return some materials seized during the search at Mar-a-Lago. These comments have raised suspicions that the DOJ may be selectively targeting Trump's Presidential Records.

According to Bobb, the Presidential Records Act is the sole statute applicable in this situation. It dictates that the President has the authority to retain official Presidential Records, which she argues Trump fully complied with, respecting the provisions of the statute.

The Presidential Records Act (PRA), encompassed within 44 U.S.C. Section 2203, governs the official records of Presidents and Vice Presidents. It outlines the management of documents created or received after January 20, 1981. The Act declares that all Presidential records are public property.

The law upholds the principle of Presidential control over records, empowering the current President to decide whether to dispose of any record lacking administrative, historical, informational, or evidentiary significance. However, consultation with the Archivist of the United States is required before taking such action.

The DOJ has persistently sought to undermine former President Trump and his loyal supporters, attempting to discredit his efforts for the American people. However, as Bobb rightly emphasized, the DOJ's case holds little merit and is bound to fail.

Written by Staff Reports

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