
Levin Unleashes on “Biden Crime Family” and DOJ Coverup in Explosive Rant

On Monday, Mark Levin, a conservative talk radio host, launched a full-throated attack on Joe Biden and the Department of Justice, labeling them as the Biden crime family in a 17-minute tirade. He didn't hold back as he discussed what he regarded as unprecedented instances of corruption and abuse of power.

In his blistering commentary, Levin accused the Department of Justice of covering up the truth about the Bidens' alleged crimes, which include money laundering, extortion, and bribery. He also noted that the family has millions of dollars from shady corporations and foreign governments, but where those funds are located, is not known.

In his segment, Levin referred to the members of the Biden crime family as being for censorship. He also claimed that Attorney General Merrick Garland is part of a cover-up and obstruction operation aimed at protecting the former vice president and his associates. He provided numerous pieces of evidence to back up his claims, such as bank records, government records, IRS whistleblowers, and Hunter Biden's laptop.

In addition, Levin noted that Biden is running for another term in order to avoid facing an indictment. He said that the president gives him a pass to avoid going to jail for his alleged crimes. This is because the White House acts as a protection for Biden and his associates.

He then turned his attention to Jack Smith, who Levin described as a hitman instead of a prosecutor. He was appointed by Judge Merrick Garland to investigate Donald Trump. Levin claims that Smith is not a trustworthy individual due to his unethical actions, such as leaking confidential information to the press and violating the privilege of his attorney-client relationship. He also claims that Smith is using his position to influence the elections.

In his passionate commentary, Levin delivered a stern warning to Smith, stating that he should have his law license revoked due to his unethical conduct. He argued that these types of individuals should not be allowed to get away with their crimes.

The bold stance taken by Levin, who is the voice of the many Americans who are fed up with the corruption and abuse of power within the Department of Justice and the Biden administration, is a clear indication that they are concerned about the upcoming elections. It is still to be seen if these allegations will have a significant impact on the presidential race.

Written by Staff Reports

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